
Comparing newspapers and the Internet

News websites are able to broadcast news within different categories so that the audience are able to choose which topics they want to find more information on. Online news also keeps back-logs on past news so if an audience wanted to research previous news stories they would be able to do this online instantly

Different audiences would prefer online news and others would prefer to have a hard-copy of news depending on their lifestyle. A younger generation may prefer to look at news online as it is instant and free, compared to adults who may prefer reading newspapers on the way to work and when they have free time. However, more adults are learning how to access new online so they may feel that updates on news online would benefit them more than previous current events that would not appear in the newspaper till the next day.

The content in a newspaper is more likely to be condensed so that more information is able to be printed, whereas online journalist have more capacity to write more about particular topics and current events. This is obviously because newspapers cannot report everything with much detail than can be put online. Online there may also be smaller articles that do not seem relevant or important enough to put in the newspaper but what some audiences may be interested in.

Audiences are more likely to consume the news in different ways depending on how they receive it. If an audience reads a newspaper it is more likely that they will read a majority of the articles regardless of if that topic interests them because they have purchased it. However, online it is easier to go directly to specific topic so audiences will most likely avoid any articles they are not interested in. This is a positive and a negative because, if an audience is looking specifically for one topic then they can get to it quickly, however, it also means that they avoid current events and may not have any knowledge on topics that effect their lives.