

Peering is the free sharing of material on the internets. This is shown through software such as Limewire, which enable the public to download music for free.

Free creativity is a natural and positive outcome of free marketing.It enable the public to have the possibility to distribute their ideas freely without consequences.

Openess is the ability to let the public express themselves. It is argued that this is not always a good thing as it means there is less privacy online e.g Facebook & Twitter.

Prosumers is when consumers are also the producers, this creates the phenomenon: Prosumer. In Wikinomics it discusses the social video game Second Life as being created by its consumers.

Wiki enables the public to create and update topics online. This is done by using only a plain-vanilla Web browser without any extra add-ons. This is not always a good thing as it means that people can change something and it may not necessarily be true.

Ideagoras is the idea of linking experts with unsolved research and development problems. InnoCentive is a consulting group that summarises the idea of ideagoras.