
Web 2.0

Wikisa website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser

Six DegreesA Facebook platform application named “Six Degrees" was developed by Karl Bunyan, which calculates the degrees of separation between different people. The average separation for all users of the application is 5.73 degrees, whereas the maximum degree of separation is 12. The application has a "Search for Connections" window to input any name of a Facebook user, to which it then shows the chain of connections.

Perpetual Beta a term used to describe software or a system which remains at the beta-development stage for an extended or even indefinite period of time

FOAFan acronym of Friend of a friend is a machine-readable ontology describing persons, their activities and their relations to other people and objects. Anyone can use FOAF to describe him or herself. FOAF allows groups of people to describe social networks without the need for a centralised database.

User Centered - an application that is specifically centered around the users needs

Joy of Use -

Usabilitya term used to denote the ease with which people can employ a particular tool or other human-made object in order to achieve a particular goal.

Widgets -In computing a web widget is a portable chunk of code that can be installed and executed within any separate HTML-based web page by an end user without requiring additional compilation.

Simplicity -

Browsera software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.

AJAX - a group of techniques for creating interactive web applications, in which applications can retrieve data from the server asynchronously in the background without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page.

Design -

CSSCascading Style Sheets  is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation semantics (that is, the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup language. Its most common application is to style web pages written in HTML and XHTML, but the language can be applied to any kind of XML document, including SVG and XUL.

Pay Per Clickan Internet advertising model used on websites, in which advertisers pay their host only when their ad is clicked. With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market. 

Social Software - encompasses a range of software systems that allow users to interact and share data. This computer-mediated communication has become very popular with social sites like Facebook, media sites like Flickr and YouTube as well as commercial sites like and eBay. Many of these applications share characteristics like  the ability to upload data and media.

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